Bottled water is not necessarily any safer than tap water, in fact, the Federal Government estimates that 40% of all bottled water comes directly from tap water. And while much of the tap water is not that great either compared to known top of the line filtration systems, such as distilled water, there are some major differences with bottled water. For instance, bottled water FDA/EPA rules allow for some contamination by E. coli or fecal coliform (i.e. Poop), contrary to tap water rules, which prohibit any confirmed contamination with these bacteria. So, if poop is found in tap water, distribution of any additional water needs to stop (so some poop may have reached your house tap water), but not so with bottled water, distribution of bottled water can continue. Would you risk Drinking water with Poop in it?
In fact, in a Study by the NRDC spanning over 4 years and over 100 brands of bottled water, about 33% of the bottled water contained high levels of contamination in synthetic organic chemicals, bacteria, and arsenic. So 1 or every 3 bottle brands had high level of contamination! Why are you paying so much money for Bottle water that is worst than your tap water?
This may be due to a loop hole in the law. FDA’s rules do not cover waters that are packaged and sold within the same state and these account for about 70 percent of all bottled water sold in the United States (and about 20% of the states also have no regulation on these waters either).
But even when FDA law applies, the rules for bottled water are much more relaxed than for tap water. For example, the testing frequency for bacteria for bottled water is once per week while tap water is tested dozens of times per week. Another major example is that there are no requirements for bottled water to be disinfected (or even tested!) for parasites, unlike the rules for big city tap water systems, leaving the possibility that some bottled water may present a health threat to people with weakened immune systems, such as the frail elderly, some infants, transplant or cancer patients, or people with HIV/AIDS.
Interestingly enough, the FDA allows bottlers of water to call their bottled water “spring water” even though it may be brought to the surface

using a pumped well, and it may be treated with chemicals. There’s is definitely, in some cases, some misleading labels which imply natural, clear, fresh unadulterated water, when in fact, that’s far from being the case.
Almost all of the bottled water comes in recyclable plastic bottles but only about 10 percent of the bottles we use get recycled. To add insult to injury, studies have shown that chemicals in the plastic, which are known to disrupt testosterone and other hormones, can leach into bottled water over time. A study found that water that had been stored for 2 months in plastic bottles contained phthalates, which cause these hormonal problems in humans. If consumed over a long period of time, some of these contaminants could cause cancer or other health problems.
Why then, do so many people buy bottled water? Besides ignorance, Taste is probably the highest reason people buy bottled water (and not knowing that 40% of bottled water is taken from the same faucet in their houses!). Water shouldn’t have a taste or a metallic after taste. Drink a glass of freshly made distilled water and taste the difference on your own . . . it’s great, and you’ll never be able to drink bottled or tap water ever again.
The solution to problems both in bottled and tap water is distilled water, which is virtually 100% pure water. Some people may confuse distilled water with the distilled water sold at grocery stores, in the cheap plastic gallon containers. The moment that distilled water touches that cheap plastic, the plastic taste and smell will be infused in the distilled water, no longer enjoyable or recommended for human consumption. Instead, you should get a water distiller preferably one with BPA free containers and even better, one with a Glass container, such as the Water Distiller, Countertop, White Enamel, Glass Collection , which will create distilled, pure water, and store it in a high end container, usually Lexan or Glass, which will not likely leach any of the chemicals in the container, thus preserving the pure and fresh taste and smell of water.
Lastly, the cost of bottled water is 10 times or more expensive than tap water; you’re paying for the same or worst quality water than you’re tap water, and let’s not forget, that includes having traces of poop. Does that sound like a good deal? Instead, distilled water costs just pennies per gallon, right from your own home! For more, read Distilled Water
All of the problems found with tap water and bottled water are easily and very cheaply solved with the use of water distillers, some common models shown here:

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Last updated: November 6, 2015 at 20:10 pm