Distilled water is water that has been purified by boiling and condensing the steam. It is free of any impurities, minerals, chemicals, or contaminants that may be present in tap water or bottled water. Distilled water is often used for drinking, but did you know that it can also be beneficial for your skin?
Many people suffer from skin problems such as acne, dryness, irritation, or inflammation. These issues can be caused or worsened by the quality of the water they use to wash their face and body. Tap water and bottled water may contain chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria, or other harmful substances that can damage your skin and affect your health. These substances can clog your pores, strip your skin of its natural oils, cause allergic reactions, or even increase your risk of cancer.

That is why some people choose to bathe in distilled water instead of regular water. Distilled water is gentle and pure, and it can help your skin retain its moisture and balance. Distilled water can also prevent infections and inflammations by removing any dirt, bacteria, or toxins from your skin. Some people claim that bathing in distilled water makes their skin softer, smoother, clearer, and more radiant.
If you want to try bathing in distilled water, you have a few options. You can buy distilled water in jugs from the grocery store and fill up your bathtub with it. This may be expensive and inconvenient, but it will give you the purest water possible.
Another option is to install a shower filter that can remove chlorine and other impurities from your shower water. This will not give you distilled water, but it will improve the quality of your water significantly. You can find many shower filters online or in home improvement stores. The picture on the side shows a popular shower filter available on Amazon.

The best option for bathing in distilled water is to buy a whole house water distiller. This is a device that can purify all the water in your home by distilling it. You can connect it to your main water supply and enjoy distilled water from every faucet and shower in your house. A whole house water distiller can produce up to 42 gallons of distilled water per day, which is enough for bathing and other uses. However, a whole house water distiller can be quite expensive and may require professional installation.
Bathing in distilled water may not be for everyone, but it can have some benefits for your skin and health. If you are curious about how distilled water can improve your skin condition, you may want to give it a try. You may be surprised by the results.