Distilled water for humans is packed with a long list of benefits to the health (and for the pocket book too, when compared to bottled water), and Distilled Water for Dogs is no exception. Distilled water is known to purify the body, helping the kidneys, cleansing the body from of all its toxins and it’s no secret that many people start a fast or a diet by drinking distilled water first (also those who want to make a positive change in their lifestyles).
For dogs, benefits range from improvement of the fur to possible prevention of urinary tract infections. However, dogs’ bodies are not made like humans. While distilled water does have many benefits for pets as well, those benefit only happen if used in moderation. Humans get all of our nutrients from foods, so water doesn’t need to have minerals for us to enjoy. But for dogs, they need the minerals not only in their water but they also process pure water differently than humans do.
So, while a healthy human can be drinking pure distilled water all the time, a dog can’t do that consistently. For dogs, pure water is like medicine; it’s good when taken when needed but if taken in too large quantities then even medicine can make you sick. So, couple of times a week dogs can drink the distilled water and be totally fine and actually it will improve their overall health; more than that amount, and you risk making your dog sick.
We all have good intentions and we probably want to do the right thing and give our dogs, cats, and other pets the best we can afford. Clean pure water, free from contaminants is obviously something we want to give our pets but not water that’s completely void of nutrients and minerals.
Thankfully, minerals can always be added at the end of any purification process, whether that’s Reverse Osmosis, Distilled water, or any kind of water. Minerals come in a small concentrate bottle that must be added to larger amounts of water. Usually a drop or two is enough to mineralize a whole gallon (4 liters) of water. So, if you still want to give your dog the benefit of clean water, without the impurities, but with the minerals, you can use Distilled Water or RO water and then add the minerals at the end of the process.
Mineralized distilled water allows for fast and full rehydration, which is even better if you have a very active pet (and it’s good if you’re active too!). It’s a win-win situation, because you get super clean water with nothing else but the good nutrients.
One of the things you’ll notice if you’re drinking clean water, regardless whether it has or not any minerals is that your urine will be extra clear instead of yellow. Usually, the more impure liquids you drink, the more you’re putting your kidneys to work to get rid of all that junk. So, that’s another benefit of drinking distilled water with or without minerals: you’re giving your kidneys a break.