There are many types of brands of mineral providers and to make manners more complicated, there are dozens up dozens of different types of minerals themselves. No need to worry, we got you covered in our article Adding Minerals to Reverse Osmosis Water. In this article, we’re going to talk about some of the reasons why you may want to consider adding minerals to Reverse Osmosis (RO) water.
To Add Taste
The number one reason people add minerals to their RO water is that they want to change the taste of the water. Many people have grown up drinking either municipal water (aka from the faucet) or bottled water (which could also mean spring water). Those kinds of water contain impurities, including minerals. In fact, depending on where you live, the water from the faucet might taste a lot of different than the water in a different city or town. Some people are just used to the flavor. Some people love their local water taste and can’t get used to a new taste. The same is true if you go from mineral water to no-mineral water, like Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water. Your taste buds want some of those minerals and impurities. You don’t want to add the bad kind of impurities, like bacteria, feces, and contaminants that are found in some municipal water systems but adding minerals is definitely a solution if you’re trying to get your taste buds inline.
To Recover after a Heavy Workout
When you workout or exercise, you sweat and among other things, you lose some vital nutrients. We’re all familiar with sport drinks that are designed to re-hydrate you. Some of those sports drinks may have too much of one kind of mineral (like sodium) while at the same time containing too much sugar. Some people opt to make their own sports drinks by adding their own concoction of minerals. It feels great knowing what you’re putting inside your body and knowing you’re drinking super pure water like RO or Distilled, and you know the exact minerals you’re adding (and more important, the amounts you’re adding).
When You’re Low on Minerals because of a Specific Diet
We all know most people get all of the minerals and nutrients they need from food sources alone and so adding minerals to Reverse Osmosis doesn’t really make sense. However, some people may be under a special diet and that may mean eating less nutrients than a normal person would normally ingest from food sources alone. A good alternate (especially when comparing prices) to make up for the loss of nutrients is to add minerals to your RO water. Some people decide also they want to go on a fasting diet… if you’re drinking nothing but RO or distilled water after several dies you might start getting really sick (even die!) because you’re literally not getting any nutrients at all, your fuel tank is literally running on empty. The solution is to add minerals so you’re at least getting something (and you might even consider putting more minerals than the lower bound recommendation).